Friday, November 11, 2016

November 11, 2016

So many of us know of the Zika virus and what is causes if you happen to get infected while pregnant; it causes microcephaly along with several other brain disorders. But if you're like myself, you aren't sure how it happens or why, you just know it does. Luckily there is new research that provides clues to how Zika reaches the placental barrier. Zika damages certain cells that affect the formation and function of the placenta. Aside from that, the herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) infection develops placental sensitivity to Zika virus by enhancing the expression of receptors that allow Zika virus to enter cells. Researchers in Brazil suspect that something more than Zika virus is causing the high intensity and severity of cases. Their suggests that the immune response to an early infection, HSV-2, may be the additional factor that increases the risk for severity of Zika virus-induced disease. They are hoping that these findings can explain the mechanism of how Zika reaches the placental barrier to access the fetus.

Journal Reference:
  1. Paulomi Aldo, Yuan You, Klara Szigeti, Tamas L Horvath, Brett Lindenbach, Gil Mor. HSV-2 enhances ZIKV infection of the placenta and induces apoptosis in first-trimester trophoblast cellsAmerican Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 2016; DOI: 10.1111/aji.12578


  1. I am like you and did not know much about how the Zika virus worked, I just knew it happened. I did not know that it damaged the cells that affect the formation and function of the placenta but that is definitely interesting! I really hope further research is done to find out if it is something more than just Zika causing the severity of some cases.

  2. I also have not looked into how the Zika virus works. HSV-2 is the herpes virus that most commonly produces genital herpes. It is contagious and incurable. From this study, if someone has HSV-2 they might become increasingly worried about getting the Zika virus. More research is needed to confirm that HSV-2 is a true inducer of severity of the disease.

  3. I have heard that males and non-pregnant females suffer an extremely mild form of the Zika virus. Now I know exactly why! Do you know what about the placenta that makes it susceptible to a Zika virus attack?

  4. I have done a couple of blogs on the Zika virus and I am quite interested in this. I also questioned what truly causes this and from what I have learned was mostly about transmission from mosquitoes or from sexual activity. I glad you wrote about this because it gives me a better understanding for the cause of the virus.

  5. I did not how the Zika virus worked. I think that these research could help try to make a vaccine that helps the virus not to damage the placenta. Do you know if Zika virus just affects trophoblast cells or many type of cells in the placenta?

  6. Some good questions from Clarra and Javier! Answers?
