Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016

So when you think of onions what do you think of? Bad smell, crying, food (tacos to be specific), or maybe that one line in Shrek that talks about onions having so many layers? Well to add to this list, how about cancer suppressor? Yup, onions are now being researched and have been found to have cancer suppression capabilities.

To be more specific researchers in Japan have isolated a compound that is found in onions, onionin A (ONA) to have several anti-ovarian cancer capabilities. The research that was performed focused on the effects of ONA on a pre-clinical model of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) in vivo and in vitro. Since EOC is the most common type of ovarian cancer and it has an 80%  relapse rate, there needed to be a more effective treatment. When the researchers performed the in vitro experiments it showed that EOCs, which usually proliferate in the presence of pro-tumor M2 macrophages, showed inhibited growth after introduction of ONA. This wasn't the only finding in the research, are y'all ready to know what else this wonderful onion can be isolated to do?
- It can inhibit the pro-tumor functions of myeloid derived suppressor cells, which are closely associated with the suppression of the anti-tumor immune response of host lymphocytes
-It can enhance the effects of anti-cancer drugs by strengthening their anti-proliferation capabilities
- When orally administered, ONA  showed that it can give onger lifespans and inhibit the ovarian cancer tumor development

So if that doesn't give you hope that medicine might be getting closer to solving this terrifying disease, I don't know what will. So, three cheers to onion for not only be great on food, but for being great in medicine!

  1. Junko Tsuboki, Yukio Fujiwara, Hasita Horlad, Daisuke Shiraishi, Toshihiro Nohara, Shingo Tayama, Takeshi Motohara, Yoichi Saito, Tsuyoshi Ikeda, Kiyomi Takaishi, Hironori Tashiro, Yukihiro Yonemoto, Hidetaka Katabuchi, Motohiro Takeya, Yoshihiro Komohara. Onionin A inhibits ovarian cancer progression by suppressing cancer cell proliferation and the protumour function of macrophagesScientific Reports, 2016; 6: 29588 DOI: 10.1038/srep29588 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I realized I commented on the wrong week but I can just use this comment as next week. So, it always amazes me how every day objects can have such big effects on the medicine world. I really hope this research will lead to a cure. I would think that this could be cost effective since it is an onion being used.

  3. Well it is safe to say that I need to definitely eat more onions. As someone who has to worry about cancer looming around the corner due to family history, it is nice to know that there are more cancer suppressors being found. I would have never imagined that onions would be one of those components found to help, but it is definitely interesting to talk about as a neat fact. I hope that researchers could further research the causes behind this suppression and use it towards other advances in cancer research.

  4. Good thing I recently developed a taste for onions. We have been finding more and more cancer 'treatment' capabilities in the most unexpected places. This is very encouraging findings! I love that the term for the onion extract is onionin. I have a relative who is going through uterine cancer. I will be making her meals with much more onion after this read.

  5. Once again, plants FTW. Botany rulz.
